Helping You

A Pilates-based wellness company specializing in pain relief and optimizing physical performance.

Master Instructor Craig Zuckerman

"Pilates Guru"
- OK Magazine


"I have worked with Craig for over 5 years. Not only as a previous spine patient, but as a health care practitioner taking care of spine patients, I know quality when I see it."

Cheri Phillips
Physicians Assistant at The Spine Institute

Why Craig's Method Works!


In just 11 minutes a day, you can stand taller and wake up pain-free!

Does your back seize up when you get up from your desk or couch? Maybe you just woke up in the morning and your back’s killing you. You’ve probably tried different gadgets, back supports, pain meds, or other therapies but you’re still having back pain. Then you need 11 Back Repair!

When you have pain, it’s because your body is out of balance. The more aligned you are, the less pain you experience. This is what 11 Back Repair does. It strengthens your core in 360 degrees, balancing your hips and spine so you stand taller and your back pain disappears.

Learn More

"When I get sciatica I use 11 Back Repair to get rid of it. It's great, and it only takes a couple of minutes. No more sleepless nights from the pain!"


Director, "How I Met Your Mother"

Check out Craig's Book!

The Office Effect: Handbook

Do you notice that you're starting to hunch over and your neck and back are starting to hurt throughout the day? Maybe your fingers are starting to tingle or you feel a sharp pain shooting down your leg. Whether you're working from home or in an office, these kinds of aches, pains, and poor posture can turn into some pretty nasty stuff if you don't take care of it. That's why Craig created, The Office Effect Handbook.

The Office Effect
Sample Guide

Get pain-relieving tips for FREE!

Ok, so maybe you're not ready to give yourself the complete pain relief you deserve, but why not get a taste of what Craig can offer you in his Sample Guide? You'll get pain-relieving, posture-fixing tips and exercises, as well as ergonomic adjustments for your desk, all pulled directly from The Office Effect Handbook, and it's free! You owe it to yourself to start taking control of your pain and poor posture, and that help can start today. 


Exercises and Pain Relieving Tips

Check Out Craig's Latest Videos

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Listen to Craig's Podcast Interview

Bob Nickman has amazing podcasts where he interviews all kinds of people in the fields of personal growth, health and healing, alternative therapies, psychology, spirituality, environment, and the future - looking for the answers that make life better for everyone.

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The Office Effect
Sample Guide

Get pain-relieving tips for FREE!