Shoulder Stabilization Exercise


Shoulder Stabilization Exercise

Shoulder pain is something most of us will have to deal with in our lives. One depressing fact about shoulder injuries is even with surgery, the pain will most likely return. BUT, if you know the right exercises to do you can retrain your body to properly use your arms in a wide range of motion while maintaining stability. The Prone Jumping Jack exercise that Craig Zuckerman shows in this video will do just that - help you reeducate your shoulder so it maintains stability through its range of motion. This will reduce your shoulder pain while preventing injuries to your shoulder, neck, and upper back. You'll gain strength and awareness in your shoulders, upper back, and chest muscles. Your body will understand how to coordinate the use of the sub-scapular (your wing bone) muscles as you lift your arms so your shoulder girdle is always in the right place to prevent injuries and reduce pain.

If you have rotator cuff injuries, shoulder dislocation, spinatus muscle tears, or just overall shoulder pain, this one exercise can do wonders to relieve your pain and repair your injury.

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